
Daniel Defense Satisfaction Guarantee
Guaranteed Satisfaction

All Daniel Defense products carry a 100% satisfaction guarantee against defects in original materials and workmanship. If your Daniel Defense product shows evidence of such defects, Daniel Defense will make every accommodation to fix, repair, or replace your product in the most expeditious manner possible. Daniel Defense does not warranty products or damage caused to our products by the correct or incorrect installation of other manufacturer’s products. Be sure to retain your sales slip as proof of purchase date when making a claim.


  • Please use the form below to contact our Warranty department to create an RMA prior to shipping items to ensure they are processed in a timely fashion.
  • Merchandise must be in new condition with original packaging.
  • Merchandise must be return shipped in a protective box.
  • Full refund including shipping if the return resulted from our error.
  • Otherwise, we will deduct the shipping costs from your refund.
  • Refunds for items purchased directly from Daniel Defense will be returned to the original purchase method.
  • Refunds for items purchased through our Financing Partner, Expert Voice, or other special programs, will be credited to those partners who will refund customers directly (processing times may vary).
  • Any other refunds will be issued via Check delivered by USPS.
  • Please provide a copy of the receipt or sales order number to expedite the process.
  • The customer will receive a refund within 10 business days of our receiving your return.

Faulty Products

If the product has been used in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, but is faulty, unfit for purpose, or does not match the sample or description please return the product to us with a copy of your invoice. We may send the product to the manufacturer's service agent for assessment. Where the product is determined faulty or unfit for purpose we will provide you with a refund or exchange.

Firearm Service and Repair

1) Should your firearm require adjustment or repair, make sure it is NOT LOADED and submit our Warranty Form below; or call Daniel Defense at 1-866-554-GUNS (4867).